How much does SmallGyfts cost?
Our pricing lets you start small and scale up, as you grow, with minimal risk.
Register to create a free business listing in the SmallGyfts app.
- Buy Donation Credits - $115+
Donation Credits enable you to reward your customers with a SmallGyfts, donations of $5, $10, etc, when it makes financial sense for your business.
Send customers a thank you email with a SmallGyfts donation link or show customers a QR donation code.
Credits stay in your account until redeemed by your customers.
- Starter Subscription - $349
A subscription give you full administrative access to all tools to help you manage your account and see your business results.
Use your account to control how you manage your SmallGyfts gift cards and how you reward your customers.
Click to see Subscription Details
Startup requires an initial payment of $349:
+ $129 - 3 Month Trial Period
+ $220 - 200 SmallGyfts Credits
+ A $49 monthly subscription starts at the end of the trial period
+ SmallGyfts Credits are required to enable giving
+ Unused SmallGyfts credits are refundable
+ Cancel at any time after the trial period ends
- SmallGyfts 4EVR Tags™ - $100+
SmallGyfts 4EVR Tags™ allow you to turn anything into a SmallGyft - a small donation to your customers favorite cause.
Apply tags to exisitng promotional products. The tags are available in packs of 100, individual adhesive stickers.
A subscription is required to set the tag values and/or recharge the tags.
- SmallGyfts 4EVR Gift Cards™ - $500+
SmallGyfts 4EVR Gift Cards™ can be customized with your logo, awards, or services on the front and the donation amount on the back.
Use your cards as a loyalty reward, for general promotions, sell the gift cards, or give as in-kind donations. Minimum card order is 100 credit-card sized gift cards.
A subscription is required to set the card values and/or recharge the cards.