SmallGyfts is an appreciation marketing solution that helps you to reward your existing customers with a donation to their favorite cause to personalize customer relationships.
SmallGyfts helps you attract passionate customers who appreciate that you give back. Offer SmallGyfts donation gift cards to boost your reputation as a business that gives back.
Like you, your customers care about their community and want to help. Help them give back and give them another reason to love you. As Maya Angelou said, "people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel". Imagine how your customers will feel about your business knowing that you are helping causes they care about.
Sign up to create a free business listing. After signing up, click the account tab to see subscription options and other products and services. Purchase SmallGyfts credits to offer donations via gift cards, email or links on your social media sites. Purchase credits to align with your budget and only when necessary to suppot your promotions. Sign up to offer SmallGyfts to increase foot traffic, maximize customer retention and increase your sales. Sign up to see pricing options.
100% of the total amount donated is paid to the customer's cause. Donations are distributed to organizations that earn $100 or more during the month by the 28th of the Month.
Offer SmallGyfts to your customers when they buy from you. SmallGyfts can be given via gift cards, via a QR donation code on your phone, sent via an email or as web links. You control how much you give back. Set the reward/donation based on your business. Set it so that it is reasonable for your business and what your customers spend. Rather than a fixed percentage, SmallGyfts are fixed amounts of $1, $2, $5, etc. Your offer could be: "earn $1 for every $50 you spend". Vary the minimum customers must spend to control the percentage. ie, "Earn $1 for every $100 dollars you spend" is a 1% give back while "Earn $1 for every $50 you spend" is a 2% giveback. Your business gets the credit for the donations. You pay only when customers redeem the card. You get info on who redeemed the card. They get info on your business.
Organizations that receive SmallGyfts donations are incentivized to send their supporters to do business with businesses that use this program. The more of their supporters that buy from your business the more donations they will earn. Your customers will also tell their friends and family about your because they are delighted that you care about what they care about.
Click Sign-up to create your business profile. When you do, you get access to a portal that lets you customize your business profile and deals. Print out your SmallGyfts table tent so you can start connecting with customers immediately.
Use any web browser to access your business portal to update your offers and display donation gift cards when customers buy from you.
Click here to request more info.
SmallGyfts is a mobile app that allows you to find nearby businesses where you can save money for yourself and earn donations for your cause. Use the app to redeem SmallGyfts gift cards to raise money for your church, school or favorite causes.
It's Free! Members never have to pay to use the service, ever!
Find SmallGyfts gift cards in retails stores, restaurants, galleries and at popular events. Open the SmallGyfts app to scan the gift cards to earn donations and get deals. Become an advocate! Tell your favorite places to sign up to offer SmallGyfts.
Click Sign-up to get started. After you do, select local causes you want to support then do business with local businesses offering SmallGyfts to get deals and collect donation gift cards. Sign-up once and use it everywhere.
SmallGyfts logs your visits when you scan in. This is saved in your profile so you can see how much you've earned for your cause and places you've been. This tells merchants who are their loyal customers so they can offer better rewards. We do not broadcast your location. You choose when to scan in and you control what information others can see. Businesses and people that you interact with can communicate with you but you control this with your privacy settings.
Click here to request more info.
We believe that strong, local businesses are essential for communities to thrive. The best way to build thriving communities is to do business with businesses that give back.
SmallGyfts connects givers: businesses that give back, people who buy local and local organizations that serve the community.
Open the SmallGyfts app, pick your school, church or other local causes and earn donations for them when you do business with businesses giving SmallGyfts. Team up with fellow supporters to turn small donations, "small gift", into funding for your cause.
Join us! Save money for yourself and raise money for your cause.
Business Owners: Get fanatical customers who will love your business. Don't get left behind! Sign-up your business to offer SmallGyfts and get more referrals, increase your sales and improve your community.
Nonprofits and Causes: Encourage your supporters to do business with local businesses that give back to raise money. Sign-up to add your cause
SmallGyfts allow you to collect donations for your cause while you do business with local businesses. Scan SmallGyfts gift cards to help raise money for your school, church or local causes. Sign up! Join our community of givers.
Are you a business? Sign up your business to connect with your customers!