
SmallGyfts is an app that gives you easy to use tools to connect with people, businesses and causes to build awesome communities. Connect with the people you meet to grow your personal and professional network. Discover local businesses that do great work and give back because they care about their customers and their community. Support local causes that work to improve your community and help them to raise a little money by doing business with local businesses that give back. This community shows potential ways to use SmallGyfts to help yourself, local business, local causes and your community.

Recent Visitors

Anonymous Visitor 85
Last Visit on 1/31/2025
None  This is someone that has checked in with your business but is not currently registered for SmallGyft

Barry McDonald 155
Last Visit on 12/7/2024
Try2See, Inc.  We help businesses that serve local customers and want to make a positive impact in their community.

John Adams 1
Last Visit on 10/21/2024
 John helps event planners to create interactive and engaging events to maximize ROI for the conferen

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SmallGyfts is a service of Try2See, Inc - Copyright 2025