SmallGyfts helps you to save money for yourself and raise money for your favorite cause when you do business with local businesses that care about their community. SmallGyfts allows you to earn donations for your church, school or favorite cause.
Watch this video to see how SmallGyfts work
Charities, Nonprofits, Local Causes
Engage your supporters and ask them to help you raise money by doing business with businesses that care about their community.
Search for your organization in SmallGyfts.
Fill out this form to add your charity if not already listed.
Ask your supporters to download the SmallGyfts app, sign up then shop with local businesses to earn donations for your organization.
Support your customers’ favorite cause and see how much they appreciate you. Offer SmallGyfts!
Sign up your Business for the SmallGyfts service
Add funds to your SmallGyfts account to activate charitable giving
Tell your customers to download and use the SmallGyfts app and become a community giver.